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Игра: Abuse (English language)
Тип документа : FAQ Всего страниц : 35 Текущая : 22

GATE_AND : will be in the ON state when all of its links are ON
GATE_DELAY : reflects the state of its link with a definable delay
GATE_NOT : outputs the opposite state of its link (ie NOT ON <=> OFF)
GATE_OR : will be in the ON state when any of its links are on
GATE_PULSE : when on will switch between on and off states w/ delay
GATE_XOR : will be in the ON state when an odd number of links are ON


Respawners are used to place objects at locations at specified times.
There are two types of respawners, the death respawner and the object

The DEATH_RESPAWNER lets you spawn an object at another objects place
when it dies. The first link to the death respawner is the object that
is to be spawned. Any number of links may be added after the first and
will cause the spawning object to appear when all of the secondary link
objects are dead or destroyed. If the first link to the death respawner
dies then the second link becomes the new first link.

The RESPAWNER is a simplified death respawner that takes only one link
which is the object to be respawned. The respawner will respawn an object
after a specified amount of time provided that the object has been deleted
since the first time it has been respawned. The RESPAWNER is primarily
used in network games where ammunition and health is used up rapidly.

** NOTE: The respawner currently only works with HEALTH objects and
should not be used until the network patch is released **

Generic Object Manipulators
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