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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Фауст
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 26 Текущая : 18

color sequence as the numbers you used on the Roulette wheel.) The
face of the cabinet drops to reveal some more shelves. Pick up the
Key. Look at the shelf and watch Tod supplying Hannibal with
liquor. Use the cabinet door to close it.

Pick up the Rat on the bed. Walk onto the bed and look at the
device on the little table to the right of the bed. Use the Rat on
the right edge of the cylinder. Use the wire on the table and drag
it to the connectors on the top of the device. Use the Whip on the
right edge of the cylinder to get the rat running to spin the
cylinder to generate power.

Still standing on the bed, use the painting on the wall over the
bed to slide the picture and reveal a cabinet. Use the Key on the
keyhole in the cabinet. Use the Reel on the projector. Use the
On/off switch on the projector to turn it on. Watch the movie clip
and hear instructions to use the whip to direct a Tiger's

Walk to and look at the full-length floor mirror to see four
characters revealed and hear how Hannibal would sell his soul.
(Write down these four characters.) Use the chest to the right of
the mirror and pick up the Handle.

Turn around and walk toward the tent entrance. Turn left and use
the Handle on the hotspot on the floor just to the right of the
poster that spins when you use it. Use the Handle again. Quickly
use the Whip to arm yourself. Watch the five characters that pop
up. (One of them was not shown to you when you looked at the floor
mirror.) Use the whip on the four characters you saw in the mirror
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: Lexa Когда: 29:3:2000 - стр. 18 -


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