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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 40 Текущая : 29

Once you arrive at the Abandoned dig site. Check out the truck. Open the door
and try starting the truck. It seems the engine won't start. Walk to the
ladder. Look around in the dark and you will come across a "metal thing."
Touch it and you will find it is a portable generator. Locate the "little
metal thing" and touch it. Use the on/off switch. You discover the generator
is out of gas. Pick up the long snaky thing (a hose) and the clay thing (a
pot) and return to the truck.

Remove the gas filler cap and fit the hose to the gas filler. Use the clay
pot with the hose to collect some gasoline. Pick up the clay pot and hose, and
return to the generator. Remove the generator's gas filler cap and pour the
gas in from the clay pot. Now use the on/off switch to turn on the light.

Go over to the painting on the left and push the round object in the middle
of the painting. Pick up the Atlantean statue. Walk over to the ladder and
pick up the ship rib. Walk to the right and look at the crumbling wall. Use
the ship rib to clear away the crumbling wall and look at the mural.

Open the generator and note the spark plug. Turn off the generator and remove
the spark plug. Return to the truck, open the hood and insert the spark plug
in the engine. Try starting the truck. The battery is flat. Put the bead of
orichalcum in the Atlantean statue and use the statue with the spark plugs.

Return to Monte Carlo to warn Trottier about the plot to kidnap him. He will
be skeptical but persist. Unfortunately, you are too late and you witness his
abduction first-hand.

You must follow the red car which the Nazis are driving around Monte Carlo
and ram them at every opportunity. Eventually you will crash into them and
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: ab ovo Когда: 17:4:2001 - стр. 29 -


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