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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: A - 10 TANK KILLER - manual
Тип документа : Hint Всего страниц : 45 Текущая : 37

compass tape on the HUD will guide you to the target (See pg.20). Just change
your heading until the destination indicator (a small triangle) is centered on
the tape. You are now heading directly towards the target. Stay low, and go
full throttle and you'll reach the target. When you get near the target, it
should appear in the TID screen. (See pg.23)

Attack Tactics
When you're about 7000 meters from the target, slow down to attack speed - a
throttle setting of 3 or 4. This will give you enough time to line up on the

Select the proper weapon type to use against the target.

o Against Tanks: Select Avenger 30mm cannon, or select a MAVerick.

o Against Other Vechicles: Select Avenger, MAVerick, or ROCkeye cluster
bomb (especially if there are several close together).

o Against Bridges, Bunkers, Buildings, or Installations: Select LGB.

o Against Airstrips: Select DURandal.

o Against Aircraft: Select SIDewinder.

An Avenger Attack Run
The Avenger is an unguided weapon, it's fixed to the fuselage of the A-10.
You must position the sight over the target and fire. To set up a run, stay
low (about 150 feet) and come in at slow speed. Line up on the target. Use
... Далее >>

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