
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Chrono Quest
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 2 Текущая : 2

press button,now we go to mexico ariba,enter time machine,press button,put the
punch card for mexico in slot,drop scroll,e,e,look tree,get necklace,w,w,w,n,
sw,s,give the necklace to the maya,ne,n,e,e,look statue,turn statue,get key,
w,w,ne,look only if the ok under in the screen flickers,the computer doesn't
load anything now but thats ok,now go to the following directions:ne,ne,n,n,
nw,nw,ne,e,use glove to push the grass between the pillars,look stone slab,
put the ring in the hole,now wait until it is 13.00 hour,click on the time
button several times until it is 13.00 hour and see what happens,the door goes
open,look right in the screen you could see the door,now put the bone in the
lefthole from the door,up,open the chest with the key,get key 2 times so that
u have the piece of punchcard and the key,so now we have a new punchcard with
brings us to the future,down,w,sw,se,se,s,s,sw,sw,sw,sw,s,ne,e,s,enter time
machine,press button,now we go to the future,enter time machine,press button,
put the future punch card in the slot,in the future:push button on control
panel,throw stone to the guard,get uniform and starnge key,get the gun,n,w,w,
use uniform,n,open compartment under the monitor,look in compartment and get
the lighter,s,e,e,e,e,n,n,open fusebox left on the machine,get fuses with glove,
e,s,s,open the door with the strange key.......end..

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