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Игра: Colonization
Тип документа : Help Всего страниц : 54 Текущая : 15

Cloth is the product of cotton processing in a weaver's house or shop. It
is usually of much greater monetary value than raw cotton.

{Any colonist working as a weaver can convert cotton into cloth.}

Coats are made from fur in a fur trader's house or shop. They are
usually of much greater monetary value than unprocessed pelts.

{Any colonist working as a fur trader can convert fur into coats.}

Trade Goods can be obtained only in Europe or from other European
settlements. These represent manufactured goods such as small tools,
jewelry, and clothing, which the Indians may want to trade for. Most
native tribes will gladly take trade goods, at least at first.

Tools are fundamental to successful colonial endeavors. You need tools to
create {pioneers,} and only pioneers can {build roads, clear forests, and
plow fields.} Additionally, tools are necessary to complete many
... Далее >>

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