
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Cutthroats
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 8 Текущая : 5

Leviathan section, whichever is applicable.

Ok, so it's time for the Leviathan. Get up, then go North to the storage
locker. Here you will find all the things you bought at Outfitters. Put on
your wet suit and flippers. Get the drill and the C battery, open the
drill, put the battery inside, and close the drill. Get the remaining
items, except the compresser. Fill your tank with the compresser, then go
South. Along the way, get the envelope from under the bed. Stop in the
galley to eat and drink, then continue on South to the Captain's Quarters.

Show Johnny the envelope. That will take care of Weasel! Now go North and
up. Put on your tank and mask. Johnny will tell you about the orange line,
but for this dive, it won't be needed. You're all set, so dive in! Once
underwater, turn on your flashlight, because it's going to get dark pretty
soon. Oops! A shark just showed up! Good thing you have the repellent. Open
the canister, and the shark will take off. Now, just keep going down until
you reach the wreck.

You're on the top deck of the Leviathan, with a hole at your feet. Go down
through the hole, to the Middle Deck. Here, you can only go up or down, so
go down again, to the Below Decks area. From there, go South, to the room
with the closed door. You might want to read the sign on the door before
you open it. Once past the door, you're in a mine locker. All the mines are
tied down, except for one loose one, floating in front of a hole.
Fortunately, you can take care of that problem without difficulty. Touch
the magnet to the mine, then turn on the magnet.

Drop the magnet (why that doesn't blow you to bits, I don't know, but
that's how it works). Now you can go up through the hole. You're on the
Middle Deck again, although a different part of it. The way South is
... Далее >>

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