
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Use Icon. Left-click this icon, then right-click the object you want to
use. This works for pull chains, food, and many other items. For actions
that require a target (keys on doors, for example), left-click the Use
icon, then right-click the object you wish to use (putting it "in-hand").
Move the object in-hand over the "target" object and right-click again.

Default Mode
If no icons are highlighted, you are in Default Mode. (To "un-highlight"
an icon, click on it.)
Talk. Put the cursor on the person or creature and briefly right-drag
the mouse.
Get. Position the cursor on the object, press and hold the right mouse-
button. If the object is "get-able," it will be put in-hand when you
drag it where you want. Release the button to drop the item.
Look. Right-click on the creature or item you want to examine.
Fight. Move the cursor to your inventory and click on the weapon in your
weapon-hand. Click on the weapon again to exit fight mode.
Use. To use an object in your inventory, left-click it. To use an object
in the view window, position the cursor on the object, and briefly right-
drag it.
Note: To access the game options menu you must click on the Options icon
or press the appropriate keys on the keyboard.


Press and hold the left mouse-button while the cursor is in the 3-D view
window. The further from the center of the window your cursor is, the
faster you move. The shape of the cursor determines direction:
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