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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: ULTIMA VII The Black Gate (ENG) DOX1
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 54 Текущая : 3

and their lives, I will say that they play a truly significant role in the
part of this book that is my story.
A mage from Moonglow who had heard me perform came to offer me employment
as his assistant. Magic has always fascinated me, and so I became his
apprentice. I will always remember his teaching that if I was to successfully
commune with the invisible world without lapsing into madness, I must ever
retain my honesty--if one is to live outside the laws of reality, one must
first be honest. He taught me well. It was with great sadness that I ended my
studies in the magical arts when my master, who was most elderly, passed
While drinking at the Blue Boar soon after his passing, Elizabeth,
Abraham, and I each decided that we needed something to which to dedicate our
lives. On a youthful whim, we made a pact that we would go our separate ways
and spend the next decade travelling throughout the land to find adventure,
and to find ourselves as well. We agreed to reunite at the Blue Boar m
exactly ten years. Our departure was exciting yet melancholy, as my life
began a new chapter.

iii The Old Man and the Bandits

On the road leading out of Britain, I met a man bent with age, but still
possessed of keen wit. As we walked he shared with me his tale, and I in turn
shall share it with thee.
During a stroll through the woods one day, this man was kidnapped by a
group of vicious bandits. The poor man had just left his nephew's family and
had no one else in the world. Woe to them who have been kidnapped when they
have no one to pay their ransom! The bandits soon began to loathe their
captive and did make plans to kill him.
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