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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 5 Текущая : 5

COMBINE power gem with cloaking device, COMBINE power gem with batteries,
USE arm computer on power gem, go west, Baron will wait for you and try
to kill you, unfortunately power gem defends you and you can get I.D pass
out Keelev. USE arm computer on power gem, go back to the room with the
4 droids, talk to the rightmost one, he will recognise you now as Baron
Keelev, select dialog: 2, 1, 1. He will blast a hole in the wall, you'll
enter it. SAVE here! This is another arcade part, you'll have to run
EAST, UP, EAST, EAST, UP (room with the rock, but don't kill the droid with
it coz the game likes to stop sending droids after you when you kill 1 with
the rock, so just keep running. Also if you save while running, most of the
time after loading such version you'll get automatically killed, another
bug in the game), EAST, SOUTH, EAST, UP, EAST. You should be now in the room
with giant lizard. Quickly, THROW I.D chip into lizard's head and JUMP on
lizard's tail. Wait for the droid to come after you, he will get killed
by the lizard, PICKUP batteries, COMBINE power gem with batteries, USE
arm computer on power gem to turn invicible again, go up, west, you should
be in the room with security droids, PUSH the one that got his back to
you, go north-west, TALK to man-brute, select dialog: 2, 1. He will give
you his armoured glove, go west, watch Emperor King's silly talk, select
dialog: 1, 1. Baron will get terminated by the king, select dialog:
1, 1, 1, 1... THE END!

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