
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 10 Текущая : 3

Exit the diner and visit WC (just R). Use the air vent. Wander around
the vent system to find a belt and another vent that goes down to
Twiddler's office. Look down there and use the glass case - you got
the debris.

Go R thru the corridor, ask the guard why he won't let you in. Look R
and pickup a battery. Go U the stairs and pick up manual, read it.
Use sender on battery, then use receiver on bare wire of second bed,
finally use battery and receiver together. Use debris on the bed - the
second norm is asleep now.

Go D and to the testing room. Find the way to the room with 3 grinders.
Use the manual, use belt on extinguisher to fix the buttons, then use
the extinguisher, then pick it up. Use control panel to turn off saw blades.
Use the middle grinder. Tell the girl about Blue Pens and Dai and you'll
receive a couple of orders - to play the tape of Brian Deluge over the TVN
network and to paint waffle statue in MINT Mall yellow. Say "OK" to her.

Before you leave Plush-Rest use extnguisher on yellow paint can.


Enter map and visit MINT Mall. Talk to blindman with a dog and give him the
costume book in exchange for matches.

Go inside the Mall and proceed to toy shop on 2nd floor. Norm guard will
take your extinguisher, but that's all right. Pick up a toy
rat there (in the basket with "Give me a good home" sign). Also pick
... Далее >>

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