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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Police Quest - In Pursuit Of The Death Angel
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 25 Текущая : 17

When judge Palmer allows you to talk, Type "MARVIN HOFFMAN".
When she asks for evidence, Type "THE HOFFMAN FILE".
When she asks for even more evidence, Type "FBI MOST-WANTED POSTER"
When she asks what makes these two men the same man, Type "THE TATTOO"
Walk out and get into your car. Drive to the prison.

49 Inside the the jail.

Walk to the jailer and Type "GIVE THE JAILER THE NO BAIL WARRANT.
Return to the police station.'

50 Outside the police station.

Laura will approach you when you arrives at the police station,
and she will be telling you to drive to the Lytton City Park
(point j on the map), drive there.

51 The entrance to the park.

Enter the park.

52 In the Park.

Hide behind any of the bushes, so that you can't be seen.
Draw and load your weapon. Press CTRL-D to tell Laura you're
ready. Wait until the two dealers start fighting. Press CTRL-D
again. Type "HALT! POLICE!". One of the suspects will flee but
he will be taken care of by Laura. Approach the suspect with your
weapon drawn. When you're next to him Type "PUT MY GUN IN MY HOLSTER"
... Далее >>

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