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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Police Quest 3 (The Kindred)
Тип документа : Hint Всего страниц : 15 Текущая : 5

Select Form 900. Now enter the time you wrote down and the violation
number of his offense from your game documentation. Click the hand
icon on the ticket and license, then give them to the suspect.

Q: How do I handle a drunk driver?

A: Talk to the drunk driver a couple of times. Administer the field
sobriety test by moving the finger on the screen first to the extreme
right then to the extreme left a couple of times. Search the drunk
by using the hand icon. Select the handcuffs from your inventory and
use them on the suspect. Put the suspect in your car by clicking the
hand icon on your passenger door. Drive to the jail. After you reach
the booking room remove the handcuffs. Administer a breath test using
the breath machine. Click the hand icon on the property drawer and
the drunk will empty his pockets. Charge him with the appropriate
offense code from your game documentation.

Q: How do I handle the low rider?

A: The low rider is blocking traffic. Try getting his attention by
driving one car length behind him in the slow lane with your lights
and siren on. Eventually you will get his attention and he'll pull

Q: What do I do at the Oak Tree Mall?

A: Look at Marie. Take the gold chain from her hand, then ride with
her to the hospital. When you return to the scene, talk to the reporter.
He'll give you his business card. Put some batteries in your flashlight,
turn it on, and look under the driver's side of Marie's car. Get the
... Далее >>

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