
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Resident Evil
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 10 Текущая : 2

*NOTE: This walk through should make more sense if you've already won
the game once. There are spoiler notes so be warned.... It's also
helpful if you know the floor plan of the mansion and other areas
beforehand. Many steps will leave out how to exactly get to the next
room. I'll be assuming you'll know the most direct route to the next
room I indicate.


*NOTE: It's up to you if you want to just run past the zombies (or go
ahead and kill them.) A good way to kill them is by one shot of the
shotgun. Wait until they're up close to you and fire. The zombie's
heads will literally explode.

1- Start the Jill storyline and with Barry run into the dining room.
Get the emblem and go into the next room. Kill the zombie and get ammo.
2- Return to Barry and the to the main hall. Get lock-pick and head
to the right room. Don't bother with map and ink ribbon.
3- Enter hell hound room (where 2 hell hounds leap out of the window at
you.) Either a-)kill them or b-)run past them and quickly grab the
clip by moving the second cabinet.
4- Go through the door at the end of the hound room and pick up the
plant. Go into the shotgun room and take it. Leave and the ceiling
should come down on you. Barry will come and save you in the nick of time.
5- Go into the next hallway (door across the shotgun door) and run into
the picture room (the room with the crows/ravens and paintings.) Flip
the switches in order from new born baby, infant, young boy, young man,
middle aged man to bold old looking man. Flip the last switch to get the
... Далее >>

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