
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Игра: Abuse (English language)
Тип документа : Hint Всего страниц : 44 Текущая : 22

seems. What I mean is, just because a creature's hitpoints
drop below 0 doesn't mean that it will die. It's up to you to
detect that in the damage_fun and take the appropriate action
if necessary (see def_char for description of damage_fun).
Like: (if (< (hp) 0) (die_fun) nil). An object's hitpoints cannot
drop below 0.
Object Function: isa_player
Usage: (isa_player)
Returns: T or nil
Use (isa_player) to determine whether or not the object is
controlled by a player.
Object Function: jump_state
Usage: (jump_state state)
Returns: dunno
I dunno what this does. I can speculate, but would rather not.
Function: last_savegame_name
Usage: (last_savegame_name)
Returns: String
Recalls the name of the last save game. Is most useful when
passed as the argument to (request_level_load). Make sure that
the game has already been saved, though, as in:
(if (my_level_been_saved_fun) (request_level_load (last_savegame_name))
Function: level_name
Usage: (level_name)
Returns: String
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: Ангел Свет (BFA) Когда: 26:10:1999 - стр. 22 -


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