
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Игра: Abuse (English language)
Тип документа : Hint Всего страниц : 44 Текущая : 7

Usage: (blocked_down block_flags)
Returns: T or nil
Parses the block_flags (for example, the flags returned by the
move function) to see if the blocked_down bit is set or something.
You might say, (if (blocked_down (move 0 0 0)).
Function: blocked_left
Usage: (blocked_left block_flags)
Returns: T or nil
See blocked_down, it's probably the same
Function: blocked_right
Usage: (blocked_right block_flags)
Returns: T or nil
See blocked_down, it's probably the same
Function: blocked_up
Usage: (blocked_up block_flags)
Returns: T or nil
See blocked_down, it's probably the same
Object Function: bmove
Usage: (bmove obj_ptr)
Return: The object hit
dunno. Move like a bullet. As best as I can figure out, it
takes the values from a call to (set_course) and moves the
object 1 step. If it hits anything in its path _besides_
[obj_ptr] it will return that object. Otherwise, it will
return nil. Updates both x and y of this object.
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: Ангел Свет (BFA) Когда: 26:10:1999 - стр. 7 -


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