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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Black & White: Creature Isle
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 16 Текущая : 13

missing. With the help from the Good Conscience and his ability to blow(don't
laugh, these guys want to go home!), you can pick up their friends at the
different docks around the island. After all five of the crewmates are picked
up, the Polar Bear will activate his plinth. This is VERY HARD.
*STRATEGY*:Where your hand is, that's where the wind will blow. If you touch
land, you will fail and start from where you picked up the most recent
crewmate. Press S to get a general view of where the sailors are. Another good
way to find them is by storms. The men are usually very close to storms. Just
circle the island by starting west and you will eventually get all five of
them. This is the order my game found the crewmates, it may be different for
your game. I'm not sure.
#1: This guy is easy to find. he is found on the southwest beach next to
where you start.
#2: The next one is a little more hidden, but still easy to find. He is in
the gulf located around the corner of the island.
#3: This guy is just a little harder to get to. On the west side of the
island, there is a mouth that goes in quite a bit. Go through it, but be
careful. He is at the end of that river.
#4: This guy is hard to get to. Navigate your way SLOWLY through the small
river you start in and then go north. Pass the first storm you see and go
to the second. Go right past it and around the small island. Get the
sailor from the other side instead of risking the bat through the storm.
Trust me on this one.
#5: The last one is pretty close. Follow the coast of the mainland and then
very soon there will be an island just off the coast. He's on that one.

2q.Trial 14:Rhino Rampage
In a valley between two mountains, there is a rhino who wants to fight you.
The fight is different from all the other fights because this rhino has The
Source. The Source is one of the hardest thing to beat. The fight is very
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: FredDurst Когда: 10:3:2002 - стр. 13 -


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