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Игра: Black & White: Creature Isle
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 16 Текущая : 14

hard to beat unless your creature is very strong. Once you beat the rhino, you
get his plinth activated.
*STRATEGY*:Become the leopard. Queue a bunch of attacks on his head with a few
special attacks as well. When you have about 1/2 of your health left, cast
heal. Never get discouraged, or else he will win.

2r.Trial 15:Marbles: The game of champions
Near the 4th crewmate, there is a Orangitang(I think) who wants to play you in
a game of marbles. You aim for a certain point on the board, and your creature
will throw the marble there. The marble won't necessarliy land there, however.
It will roll into a spot. This is a pretty hard trial. Should you win against
him, he will activate his plinth at the Dojo. Get ready for the last trial.
*STRATEGY*:Aim in the middle of the blue section to get dead center. If he
gets a dead center, try to knock it out of place. It will take many tries to

2s.The Final Trial
After you win all the other trials, you will face Rufus. You must take a ring,
bring it to the top. Repeat twice. It's not this easy, though. There are
ogres scattered all over the mountain, and If you get caught by them, you will
be frozen for 40 seconds. Trying this trial the honest way is near impossible,
so we must cheat. Should you win, the lion's and the alligator's plinthes will
be activated and the credits will roll. Congratulations! You have beaten
Black and White: Creature Isle! Or have you?
*STRATEGY*:To cheat, pick up a ring and go back to the base level. Go AROUND
the rock by walking through the water. Walk up the ramp and place the ring at
the marking. Repeat. You may be frozen by an ogre, but it won't matter.

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