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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Black & White: Creature Isle
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 16 Текущая : 9

Once you get all 10 sheep in the fences, the sheep will turn on his plinth.
*STRATEGY*:Once you get a single sheep in the fences, it will not escape(THANK
YOU LIONHEAD!!!), so just take the sheep one at a time. The best way of
herding them is to get behind them. They will run in the opposite direction.
Watch the sheep carefully, and if it changes track, get behind it again and
chase it into the fences. It gets harder and harder with each sheep.

2g.Trial 5:Wolf Chasing:
Pretty close to Trial 4 is the Wolf. He will challenge you to a game of Hide
and Seek. The only problem is that he is invisible. Once you spot him 3 times
in a row, he will activate his plinth. This is an easy Trial.
*STRATEGY*:The reason this is easy is because it is easy to follow him. There
are 3 ways to spot him:
1.Sound-You can hear the wolf howl every couple of seconds.
2.Tracks-If you're close enough to him, you will se his most recent tracks.
3.Sight-You can see some stank coming off of him(good to use if you're far

2h.Trial 6:Tortoise Racing:
At the stadium near the Dojo, there is a Tortoise willing to race you. The
only rules are that you go between the gates that mark the track. He will use
everything at his disposal to slow you down, like Freeze miracles. Once you
beat him at his own game, he will activate his plinth at the Dojo. Doing this
the honest way is REALLY HARD, so look at the strategy to learn how to cheat.
*STRATEGY*:After the second or third gate, to the left is a shortcut that cuts
off about half the track. Use this, and you're almost guaranteed to win.

2i.Trial 7:A Zebra, a goat-man, and a gun
This is one of the most fun and funny Trials in this game. Near the horse
Trial(have you been keeping up with your daily chore of watering the plants?),
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: FredDurst Когда: 10:3:2002 - стр. 9 -


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