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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Return To Zork (ENG)
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 13 Текущая : 12

guano, and drop it into the flask with the clear water (from FCD#3). You now
have an invisibility potion. Now off to the Cliffs of Depression. From
there, turn around and go to the left. Throw the Flying Disk of Frobozz, and
it will dispel the illusion.
Go forward into the castle, and shoot the bow and arrow at the gates, and
the hand will open the door for you. Once in, an orc will start attacking
you. Drink the invisibility potion, and then play back the recording of
Alexis the hellhound barking, the orc will wimp out and run away. Now, at the
Citadel Bridge, throw *EVERYTHING* that you have at the bridge, until you have
NOTHING left in your inventory. The bridge will come back up. SAVE THE GAME
NOW:) Go over the bridge for your final confrontation with Morpheus. A game
of Survivor. Only now you play Trembyle instead of Canuk, which makes the
game VERY hard. Here is the pattern to win, the number represents what order
you should make the moves in. If he blocks the move, pass your turn, and he
will move to another space, do NOT deviate from the course I give here, or you
will have to forfeit and will have to start over again.

0 5 12 9 0=Where you start
11 8 1 4 14=Where you will end
6 3 10 13 C=Where Canuk/Morpheus will die
C 14 7 2

Again, if he blocks your move, do NOT go anywhere else, just pass your turn,
he MUST move, he is not allowed to pass. Once you complete this, you've
won the game! Congratulations.

The ending of the game is kinda bad, but the game itself is pretty good, I
enjoyed it a lot. Some of the puzzles (the bra box) were ridiculous, and some
of the scenes (the Mining Maze, COME ON! Infocom games are NOT coordination
games) really annoyed me, but all in all it was a pretty good game. I don't
... Далее >>

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