
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Return To Zork (ENG)
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 13 Текущая : 7

metal thing out of it. Once you've done this, take your mirror, and put it in
your hand (ie your mouse cursor shows you holding it). Exit the boat. Canuk,
who you may have noticed by now, is controlled by Morpheus, will try to turn
you into a duck. But since you are holding the mirror, it will reflect back
at him. Now take the scroll, and feed it to the duck, he will lay an egg.
Take the egg, and exit the house. Now cut the egg open with your knife. And
you will have the scroll (I don't think this affects the gameplay, but it's
nice to have:)).
Next thing off, get back onto the boat (show the ferryman the coin again,
and of course ring the bell a few times to get him there) and find your way
back out of the forest. Now another quick thing to do is to go into town and
show the blacksmith (second building on the right) your rusty old sword. Get
him to fix the sword, and pay any fee he requests. He may tell you to come
back in a little while, just wander around until it is fixed.
Next thing is to go into the other forest, the left fork from the fork in
road from the path out of town. Once in, the first thing you should do is the
following, go NORTH, EAST, EAST, SOUTH, and you will be at a tree. Hit the
tree with your sword, and it'll break the sword (and also drop some coins on
the ground) take the coins. Now exit the forest again, via NORTH WEST WEST
SOUTH, and go to the blacksmith. Complain to him that your sword is broken.
He will mumble something, and give you a receipt for a new sword. Now go to
the center of town again, and turn around, to face the bridge, go to the left,
and you will be at Ben's boathouse. Talk to Ben. Ask him about the knot he's
holding in his hand. Show him the picture of Rebecca if you've taken it buy
now, and he will give you a sealed letter (if you don't have the picture yet,
no rush, don't worry) and finally, give him the receipt from the blacksmith,
and he will give you the True Dwarven Sword of Zork. How nice. Now back to
the forest (on the fork left). This a pretty vicious forest and has lots of
nasty things in it, and is rather big, as well, here again is another attempt
at mapping it:)
... Далее >>

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