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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Return To Zork (ENG)
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 13 Текущая : 9

from her). Next stop, the tree spirit. Get her to babble her annoying songs.
She really isn't very useful at all. So just get out of there when you get
bored. Now the leaf trap. When you see the leaves, drop something in it (not
your sword) the trap will be sprung. Now just use your sword to cut your
leaves, and whatever you threw in will fall to the ground, just pick it up.
Now go to the boar memorial. Strike the memorial thrice (three times) with
your sword, and you will get another disk piece. You can go to the spider,
but you can't get past it yet anyway, so why bother, get out of this maze.
Next stop, get your bootie back to Canuk's House (go through the
whispering woods again). Now at his door, look at the magnet. Neat, eh? Pry
it off with you sword. Now stand there, holding the magnet. Use magnet with
whistle. Blow away on the whistle, and a vulture will come swooping down. Uh
oh! Not at all, this vulture will carry you to anywhere that you need to go
in the game! So just go to Pugney's Farm first, go to the barn again, (now
might not be a bad time to fill up on milk), and go to the left behind the
barn. You will be at the Vulture Pits. Pour the fairy dust onto the rotting
meat, and throw it. The vultures will come out and eat the meat and fall
asleep. Go into the pits and take the talon. Next, run over to the screen
one screen in front of Rebecca's house (it has signs to the cliffs and
Rebecca's house). Go to the left, and follow that path to the Cliffs of
Depression. Take the rope from the railing. Now go back into town, and go
back to Ben the boatman. Pay him for the boat. Zoom in on the boat, and take
the rats out of the box and put them into the motor. Now you will be at the
Witch's house. Go on inside, she won't bite. Ok, be careful what expressions
you show to the witch, just be friendly. Then show her the milk that you have
and she will let you take the bat cage, do so. Then show her the sealed
letter from Ben, and she will give you staff, take it. Then she's outta
there. Now you can either go through the swamp, or use the vulture to get
out. I recommend going through the swamp, you get 5 points for it. To do so,
you must walk one step out of the witch's house. Then take her staff, and
... Далее >>

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