
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Return To Zork (ENG)
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 13 Текущая : 2

easy thing to do is go to the building on the far right, it's a destroyed
hardware store. Go in, and get the box and the crank. You don't need the
mice, so leave them there. Next stop should be the close house on the right,
the school house. To get in, bang the bell with the crank or the dagger. The
school teacher will first quiz you with the games first copy-protection, and
then give you a notebook in which you can record all of your travels in the
game. Next stop is the Town Hall, close building on the left, go in, talk to
the mayor, and whatever. Then read ALL the files in the cabinets. It's a lot
of reading, and you'll be referring back to it later on (and a lot of this
solve won't make any sense without reading it). Then after you leave Town
Hall, face center of town, and turn around from there, go off to the left of
the screen, towards the mill. Go into the mill, and you'll have your first
encounter with Boos. First of MANY. Go out the other door into the backyard
of his house, and grab the key from the floor, and pull the chock out of the
water wheel (I don't actually know what this accomplishes, but it gives you
two points, so what the heck:)). Go back through the house, and back to town,
where you can now go to the building on the far left. Use the key to unlock
the door. Go in, grab the battery off the shelves, and the money and tickets
out of the cash register. Then go back to facing the bridge, and on the far
right side of the screen, your mouse arrow will point down, go this way. Here
you will meet the waif. Give him the tickets, and he will give you a gift, it
looks like a piece of lint, but it's very important later in the game. From
here, go back the old mill, and do the following. When Boos pours you a
drink, pour the drink out into the plant, then make a toast with him (glasses
clinking icon) then drink the empty glass. Repeat this four times, and he
will pass out, opening up the Great Underground Empire. But wait, you're not
done yet. Leave the mill, and re-enter it, and repeat the entire
pour/toast/drink process again, but only three times this time, after he says
"Damn Few.", click on the "Don't Drink & Drive" icon, and he will give you his
car keys. OK, don't get too excited here, you can't drive his car, but you
... Далее >>

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