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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 32

SETTLER ENGINEERS: Settlers can make a number of agricultural
and industrial improvements for your civilization, acting as
engineers. Place the Settler in the square where the work is to
be done and press the correct key. Note that your civilization
must posses certain technologies before some improvements can be

Diplomats are unique units that can be very useful to your
civilization. They may act as trade missions, ambassadors, envoys,
secret agents, and saboteurs. They can open contacts with other
civilizations and establish embassies to gather info or otherwise
disrupting your rivals. They can bribe enemy armies. When your
civilization obtains the technology of Writing you can build Diplomats.
Be aware that enemy Diplomats can be used against your civilization.

DIPLOMAT MOVEMENT: Diplomats may move past enemy armies without
stopping. However, if an enemy military army enters the square
occupied by the Diplomat, the Diplomat is almost always
destroyed. Diplomats may travel overseas in ships as other other
armies do. Diplomats (and Caravans) are the only units that can
enter defended enemy cities. When a Diplomat enters and enemy
city a menu appears listing tasks that can be performed:

Spy on City
Establish Embassy
Steal Technology
... Далее >>

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