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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 94

immediately acquires two civilization advances. The advance of
Railroads makes Darwin's Voyage possible. The Voyage costs 300

ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE: Considered by many to be the greatest
scientist of all time, Newton developed theories of universal
gravitation that explained both the motion of heavenly bodies
and the falling of bodies to Earth. He also wrote important
works on calculus, optics, the spectrum of light, fluid
mechanics, the motion of comets, and the motion tides, and built
the first reflecting telescope. For 32 years he was a professor
of mathematics at Cambridge University. Possessing Newton's
College increases the knowledge benefit of all your Libraries and
Universities. It may be built once you have acquired the Theory
of Gravity, but stops working after development of Nuclear
Fission. The College requires 400 resources to build.

J.S. BACH'S CATHEDRAL: Johann Sebastian Bach was one of the
great composers of the Western world. Born into a family of
distinguished musicians, he was noted as a virtuoso performer
during his life, but has become much more reversed since his
passing for the genius of his music. The majority of his
compositions were written while serving the church, and most
pieces were written for the organ and dedicated to the glory of
his God. Possessing Bach's Cathedral decreases unhappy citizens
on the same continent by 2 per city. The Cathedral may be built
following the advance of Religion and costs 400 resources. The
power of Bach's music does not expire.

MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION: Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese
... Далее >>

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