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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 35

Caravans are shipments of trade goods and materials. Over time
they represent camel caravans, wagon trains, truck convoys, and cargo
containers. They may be used to establish trade routes between cities or
to transfer resources for the construction of Wonders Of The World. They
become available once you have achieved the technology of Trade.

TRADE ROUTES: A Caravan that enters any city of another
civilization or a friendly city ten or more squares away from
its home city may establish a trade route. This results in an
immediate cash payment for delivery plus an increase in the
trade generated each turn. This increased trade means more
luxuries, taxes, and science for the home city. Each city may
have up to three functioning trade routes. If more than three
are established only the best three function. The amount of
trade generated depends on the size of the two cities. Bigger
cities generate more trade. Trade is best with a city in another
civilization. Next best are friendly cities. The farther apart
the two cities are, the greater the value of the trade. The
value is also increased when the cities are on different
continents. Caravans can move into any city they can reach. When
at war it may be difficult to smuggle goods into an enemy city
without being destroyed. Caravans may be transported overseas
in ships as other units are, but cannot be landed into a city
directly from a ship.

BUILDING WONDERS: A Caravan may contribute its construction cost
in resources to the cost of building any Wonder of the World by
moving the Caravan into the city where the Wonder is being
built. When the Caravan enters, a menu offers the choice of
contributing to the construction or not. If you decide to help
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