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Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 60

with extinction is more interested in survival.

All negotiations end with either and agreement of peace between
your two civilizations or a declaration of war. Even the most
antagonistic rival may concede peace for a suitable payment of cash or
technology. This may purchase peace only temporarily, however.

Establishing embassies with other civilizations can be very
useful in preparation for negotiations. You Intelligence Advisor
collects information from all of your embassies and from him you can
learn important facts about your opponents, including their size and the
personality of their leader. This information is not available for
civilizations with which you have not established an embassy.

TRADING TECHNOLOGY: Civilizations that are not extremely
antagonistic may offer to trade technology. They begin by
offering one that you don't possess. They may actually gave
several you lack. If you agree, a menu of technologies they can
trade appears. Select the one that you want and then they take
one from you. You have no choice regarding what they take and
cannot veto the trade. If after trading another exchange is
possible, more trading may take place.

BUYING PEACE: A rival may demand a cash payment or a
civilization advance during negotiation. If you meet this
demand, the rival almost certainly agrees to peace. If you
reject the demand, an antagonistic rival generally declares war.
The demand or a more peaceful threatened rival may only be a
bluff, and peace may be offered anyway after demands are
rejected. In some cases, a rival offers a reward for your making
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