
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 47

management of your cities and relations with other civilizations. The
reports of these advisors can be obtained from the Advisors menu found
on the menu bar at the map display.

In addition, there are a number of other reports that can be
consulted. These are available from the World menu on the menu bar.

The following advisors and world reports can be consulted:

City Status
Military Advisor
Intelligence Advisor
Attitude Advisor
Trade Advisor
Science Advisor

Wonders of the World
Top 5 Cities
Civilization Score
World Map

CITY STATUS: This report lists the cities in your civilization
and shows what they are producing. For each city you can read
the population size, the amount of food, resources, and trade
generated, what item is currently being produced, and how near
it is to being completed. It is useful to consult this advisor
... Далее >>

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