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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 87

build a new Palace in another city, but this causes the
retirement of the first Palace and relocation of the government.
If your Palace is destroyed, a new one may be built in any
existing city. The Palace requires 200 resources to build and
costs nothing to maintain.

POWER PLANT: The source of industrial power increases the
resources generated by Factories and Manufacturing Plants by an
additional 50%. However, it increases the probability of
pollution significantly. The Power Plant costs 160 resources,
and needs $4 per turn to maintain.

RECYCLING CENTER: The recycling center reduces the probability
of pollution by 2/3. It costs 200 resources to build and costs
$2 to maintain.

SDI DEFENSE: The SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) Defense
protects the city from Nuclear units. Attacks by these weapons
have no effect. This improvement costs 200 resources and needs
$4 to maintain per turn.

TEMPLE: The Temple's presence makes one unhappy citizens
content. With the additional advance of Mysticism, another
person is made content by a Temple, for a total of two. A Temple
presents the Volcano disaster. Temples cost 40 resources to
build and need $1 to maintain per turn. The effect of a Temple
may be doubled if your civilization possesses the Oracle, an
ancient Wonder of the World.

UNIVERSITY: The presence of a University increases the knowledge
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