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Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 75

attackers, but not Bombers or Artillery. This tripling takes effect
after the effects of veteran status is considered. Being fortified
behind City Walls has no effect unless the attacking unit is a Bomber or
Artillery unit. City Walls also prevent population loss when defending
units are destroyed. When civilization advances make available new army
types with better defense factors, take the first opportunity to replace
old defenders with better units. Since the offensive capability of your
enemies improves as they acquire new technology, your defenses must
improve to keep up. Linking cities with Roads and Railroads can be very
helpful in speeding the movement of units from one end of your empire to
trouble spots elsewhere. This puts your defensive armies on "interior
lines," allowing them to rapidly move to where they are needed.

A city suffers civil disorder when unhappy people outnumber
happy people, content people being ignored in the calculation. Cities in
disorder provide no tax revenue, contribute no technology research, and
suspend production of new units or improvements. When order is restored,
the city returns to normal operation next turn. You can restore order in
several ways. To restore order you may pay to complete an improvement,
such as a Temple, that can covert sufficient unhappy people to
contentment to restore balance. You may also change the luxury and tax
rates of you civilization to attempt to restore order. Increasing luxury
convert some content people to happy. You may take one or more people
out of the work force, making them Specialists. This increases the
number if happy people. When creating Specialists, be careful not to
also cause shortages of food or resources that cause starvation of
population or scrapping of armies. Under the government types Despotism,
... Далее >>

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