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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 41

They are normally the first ship that becomes available, and are
thus very useful for exploring the sea and transporting
Diplomats, Caravans, and other units to nearby continents.

Barbarians are small tribes of raiders that are not part of any
opposing civilization. You may encounter them periodically as your
civilization begins to expand and grow. They may invade from the sea or
arise suddenly in unsettled parts of any continent. Barbarians may
attempt to capture or destroy your cities, and pillage your fields and
mines. Because barbarians may appear along any coast or in any unsettled
area, it is important to defend cities. It may also be useful to screen
your cities from unsettled areas so that any barbarians that appear may
be intercepted before they reach your cities. Most barbarian tribes are
accompanied by a leader who may be ransomed if captured. Barbarian
leaders look like Diplomats.

SEA RAIDERS: Barbarians that invade from the sea are looking for
a place to settle. They search for cities and attempt to capture
them. They do not pillage mines and irrigation because or their
interest in making a permanent settlement. If they capture a
city, they take is over and begin producing more units to make
new assaults. Sea raiders can be fought on land or engaged at
sea in their ships.

LAND BARBARIANS: These raiders are interested only in loot, not
permanent settlements. This makes them very harmful as they
pillage any mines or irrigation they encounter. If they capture
... Далее >>

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