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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 93

advance. The Pyramids require the advancement of Masonry and
take 300 resources to build. However, the effects of the
Pyramids expire after the advance of Communism is achieved.

COPERNICUS'S OBSERVATORY: Working alone on cold nights in the
tower of his cathedral, this Polish priest re-established that
the Sun was the center of the Solar System, not the Earth. This
fact had been recognized by ancient astronomers but lost is the
Dark Ages, buried under superstition and religious dogma.
Copernicus's findings were controversial but proven true, and
were an important step in the rebirth of Western science.
Building Copernicus's Observatory doubles knowledge of
production in the city, after all adjustments for Libraries,
Universities, and Scientists. However, this benefit stops
working after the development of the Automobile. The advance of
Astronomy makes the Observatory possible. It costs 300 resources
to build.

DARWIN'S VOYAGE: Partially from the research accomplished on his
scientific voyage aboard the Beagle to the Galapagos Islands,
Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution that was
published in his masterwork, The Origin of Species. Darwin's
arguments, and those of his contemporary, Alfred Russell
Wallace, were so convincing that they were only disputed on
philosophical grounds, mainly by religious fundamentalists. The
theory of organic evolution was the foundation of all following
research in biology. The civilization that builds Darwin's Voyage
... Далее >>

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