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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 59

Diplomacy is conducted by negotiations between yourself and a
ruler of a rival civilization. Negotiations may occur when a rival sends
and envoy to talk or may result from overtures of your own. Diplomacy is
conducted face-to-face with one rival ruler at a time and can lead to
exchanges of technology, offers of peace, international extortion, or
declarations of war.

A rival may contact you when units from each of your
civilizations are adjacent to each other. A rival envoy may also arrive
at any time. You may start negotiations by sending a Diplomat into a
rival city and selecting the option "Meet With the King."

The tone and result of any negotiations are greatly influenced
by the mood or your rival. The opposing leader may be antagonistic,
supplicating, or somewhere in between. This mood depends on the leader's
personality and how your two civilizations compare to each other and the
rest of the world. You may be able to pick up cues on a rival's mood
from facial expressions or background music.

A rival leader's personality may be aggressive, friendly, or
neutral. Aggressive leaders are more likely to lean toward war or demand
high payments for peace. Friendly leaders are more likely to offer peace
and may only be bluffing when asking for payment. If you have broken
previous peace agreements with this civilization, that is remembered and
also influences the degree of antagonism.

If you are the largest, most powerful, and richest civilization
in the world, all rivals are likely to be very jealous or antagonistic.
However, if the opponent is puny in comparison, the natural tendency
toward being belligerent may be overridden. A civilization threatened
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