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Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 66

of 160 resources. There are two kinds of components, propulsion and
fuel. When a component has been completed, you choose which type has
been built.

PROPULSION COMPONENTS: These are the engines that provide the
power for space flight. The more engines you add, the faster the
ship travels, the sooner it reaches its destination, and the
higher the probability of success of the mission.

FUEL COMPONENTS: These provide fuel for the propulsion units. In
order for the propulsion units to perform to their maximum, one
fuel component must be provided for each propulsion component.

Spaceship modules require the technology of Robotics and cost
resources each to build. They exist in three types: habitation, life
support, and solar panels. When a module is completed, you choose which
type to add to your ship.

HABITATION MODULE: Each habitation module provides living space,
community services, the recreational facilities for ten thousand

LIFE SUPPORT MODULE: Each life support module provides the food
and other requirements for the ten thousands colonists carried
in one habitation module. People carried in a habitation module
that doesn't receive life support have a very low probability of
... Далее >>

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