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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 86

increased if you possess Isaac Newton's College, a medieval
Wonder of the World.

MANUFACTURING PLANT: This improvement increases the resources
generated by a city by 100%. It costs 320 resources to build,
and costs $6 per turn to maintain. Its presence makes and
already existing Factory obsolete and the Factory ceases to
work. The effect of a Manufacturing Plant may be increased by
the presence of the Hydro Plant, the Nuclear Plant, the Power
Plant, or the Hoover Dam.

MARKETPLACE: A marketplace increases tax revenue and luxuries by
50%. The Marketplace costs 80 resources to build, and costs $1
per turn to maintain.

MASS TRANSIT: In cities with Mass Transit, the population has no
effect on pollution. It costs 160 resources to build, and costs
$2 per turn to maintain.

NUCLEAR PLANT: Like other types of power plants, the Nuclear
Plant increases the production of a Factory or Manufacturing
Plant by another %50. A Nuclear Plant also reduces the
day-to-day probability of pollution. However, a Nuclear Plant in
a city suffering civil disorder risks a nuclear meltdown. The
Nuclear Plant costs 160 resources to build, and costs $2 per
turn to maintain.

PALACE: This is the administrative and governmental center of
your civilization. The farther any city is from the city
containing the Palace, the more corruption is likely. You may
... Далее >>

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