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Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 69

city. Capturing a city may result in the discovery of a new
technology advance and plundered cash. Occupying an enemy city
may destroy some improvements the city has built, and it
eliminates one point of population. Therefore, a city that has
only one point of population remaining is destroyed instead of

When building a new city, plan carefully where it is placed. The
map square in which it is built and the squares surrounding it determine
how valuable the city can become. Factors to be considered include the
economic value of the square the city is placed in, the economic
potential with the city's radius, the proximity of other cities, and the
strategic value of the location. Ideally, locate cities it areas offer a
combination of food for population growth, resources for production, and
trade. Where possible, take advantage of the presence of special
resource squares.

THE CITY SQUARE: The terrain the city occupies is especially
important because it is always under development. You cannot
take workers off this square when adjusting development on the
city map. If this area is not useful, especially for producing
food, then population growth is a new city is handicapped. For
this reason, new cities are generally best built in Plains,
Grasslands, or Rivers. These provide the best food production
and, this, faster population growth.

THE CITY RADIUS: The potential area of development extends out
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